INFORMATION SESSION & NETWORK BREAKFAST - For Female Founders in Lombardia Region

18 10 23

Ore 08:30 - 09:30

L'evento è organizzato da Milano Luiss Hub e fa parte delle attività di Metafablab


Mercoledì 18 ottobre 2023, dalle 8.30 alle 9.30.

Unitevi a noi in una chiacchierata su come Prospera Women, una comunità di investitori e dirigenti d’azienda della Silicon Valley, sta collaborando con FGB Milano per istituire un capitolo locale a Milano, che fornirà alle founders le competenze e le risorse necessarie per crescere oltre i mercati locali e avere successo su scala globale.

Non perdedre l’occasione di accrescere la tua rete!

Per iscrizioni scrivere a :

Wednenesday 18 October 2023, 8.30 – 9.30 a.m.

Join us on a discussion on how Prospera Women, a community of  Silicon Valley investors and corporte executeves are working with FGB Milano to establish a local chapter in Milano, which will equip female founders with the skills and resources needed to grow beyond local markets and to succeed on a global scale.

Don’t miss the opporunity to build new connections!

RSVP by email:


About Prospera Women:

Prospera Women was founded to help female entrepreneurs grow through any challenges that they might face in business world, especially when building companies and raising capital.They are committed to building a true global village, one with opportunity for all. And, while their community is based on the idea of women helping women, they also foster a diverse leadership aiming to build a foundation that empowers women worldwide, ensuring a legacy of inspiration for generation to come.

More about this great community at

